Publications – Journals and scientific articles

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Scientific articles

After 2012 publication in the above journals World Health Design   

30- Dilani, Alan. 2012. The influence of design and Architecture on Health. Imaging Management Volume 12 issue 4,10-17. France.

29- Dilani, Alan. 2012. l’influence du design et del’architecture sur la santé, design et logistique, 12-17. France.

28- Dilani, Alan. 2011, A Slutogenic Approach to the Design of the Physical Environment in Public Sector. Architecture Asia, Malaysia

27- Dilani, Alan. 2011. Psychosocially Supportive Design, 69-80 TESIS. Italy

26- Dilani, Alan, 2010. Sook Young Lee,  Environmental Design Features and Behavioral Health for the Elderly with Dementia, AIDIA 70-80.

25- Dilani, Alan. 2009. Psychosocially Supportive Design – A Salutogenic Approach to the design of the physical environment.  Hospital management and development: Architecture and Design 32-37 International Hospital Federation Reference Book, 2008-2009.

24- Dilani, Alan. 2008. Design and Health Scientific Review. 47-53 World Health Design. 


23- Dilani, Alan, Kathleen Armstrong 2008. The “Salutogenic” Approach – Designing a Health Promoting Hospital Environment, London. World Hospitals and Health Services, IHF 2008, Vol. 44, nr. 3.

22- Dilani, Alan. 2006. Psychosocially Supportive Design – As a theory and Model to Promote Health, published in the journal of International Hospital Federation Reference Book, 2006-2007 World Hospitals and Health Services, December 2006.

21- Dilani, Alan, 2006. Agneta Morelli,  Heath Promotion by Design in Elderly Care. Proceeding Book Design and Health. Stockholm.

20- Dilani, Alan. 2006, Sook Young Lee, Agneta Morelli, . Heath Supportive Design in Elderly Care Homes. Journal of Architecture Institute Korea, Volume 4- 2006.

19- Dilani, Alan. 2005. A new paradigm of design and health in hospital planning. World Hospitals and Health Services, International Hospital Federation, Volume 41, Number 4.

18- Dilani, Alan. 2005. En miljö som främjar hälsan. Alan Dilani, Agneta Morelli, Äldreomsorg, 6/2005. Stockholm, Sweden.

17- Dilani, Alan. 2001. Die Gesundheit Fördern, Psychosozial untersteutzendes Design, AIT, Architektur Innenarchitektur Technischer Ausbau, 11-2201, Germany.

16- Dilani, Alan. 2001. Architecture and Design, Psychosocially Supportive Design. World Hospitals and Health Services, IHF, Vol. 37, nr. 1.

15- Dilani, Alan. 2000. Architecture and Design, Healthcare Buildings as Supportive Environments. World Hospitals and Health Services, IHF, Vol. 36, nr. 1.

14- Dilani, Alan 1999. Design and Health. Paper presented at the International Hospital Federation in Copenhagen June 1999.

13- Dilani, Alan 1999. Healthcare Buildings as Supportive Environments. Paper presented at the XIX International Public Health Seminar, Cairo-Egypt. March 1999.

12- Dilani, Alan 1998. Healthcare Buildings as Supportive Environments. Paper presented at the XVIII International Public Health Seminar, University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

11- Dilani, Alan 1997. Issues of Human Centered Design for Healthcare                  Buildings. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human centered Design for Healthcare Buildings. 1997. Trondheim, Norway.

10- Dilani Alan, 1996. Restructuring of Healthcare Facilities in Sweden. Paper presented at the International Conference on ”Continuing updating and                     upgrading of existing health care facilities”. Proceeding of XVIth International Public Health Seminar. UIA-PHG. Florence- Italy.

9- Dilani Alan, 1996. Participatory Evaluation of Health Care Facilities. Paper presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Design, November           Boston.

8- Dilani Alan, 1995. User’s influence on quality and cost efficiency of hospitals. Paper presented at the International Conference on Health Architecture in       an Era of Constraints. UIA-PHG. May. 1995. Budapest.

7- Dilani Alan, 1995. Ny modell för flexibel sjukvård. KTH-nytt. 8/1995

6- Dilani Alan, 1995, Del Nord Romano and others,  Sustainable Healthcare Systems. A Network for Training and Mobility of Researchers. EU- Project.

5- Dilani, Alan, 1995. & Björklund, Kicki,  Minskade resurser ett hot mot kvaliteten i vårdlokaler. Fastighetsnytt 10. Stockholm

4- Dilani Alan, 1995. & Björklund Kicki,  Programarbete för tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt. Funktion och ekonomi i ett långsiktigt brukarperspektiv.

3- Dilani, Alan, 1994, & Björklund, Kicki,  Byggnadsutformningens betydelse för kvalitet och lönsamhet i vårdsektorn. Uppsatsen presenterades i konferensen "Kvalitet i Kommun och Landsting" Oktober 1995, Göteborg.

2-Dilani, Alan 1994. Bristfälligt sjukhus, Hallandposten, nr 281.

1-Dilani Alan, 1994. Hospital Ward in Transformation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Health Facility Design. UIA-PHG. Tokyo-Yokohama. Proceeding of XIVth International Public Health Seminar. 4th October 1994.